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Adobe brick making machine equipment package cost?


A customer asked : adobe brick making machine equipment package how much ah ?

Doubt depicted : for me supply unburned capital analysis, and ingredients aspects item?

Answer :

Equipment package money that depends on your needs , the annual production value as you want how much ?

Bona output per hour of high-intensity press between 3200 to 3600 .

Cost words : Then look at your raw data quotes , shipping costs , staff salaries , electricity , etc. ( In this case, we have articles to be introduced to you : sand brick making machine cost ) .

As for the ingredients you would see what raw data, data divergent samples , the characteristics of the data are not the same, the ratio of the ingredients are not the same,

Of course , the best choice of your local materials, low-cost materials .

There assistant equipment: grinding wheel mixer, mixing machine , and so on .

Along with this there are answers Bona introduced to you: good hydroform bricks machine kind of quality.

As for the specific full production line , offer complete equipment , you can contact our customer service to get the most accurate quote for the time being .

SKYPE: kevinlee02
QQ: 81573401
Tel: 0086-371-87091886


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